Harlequins January 2021 FAQ Updates!

Hey everyone and welcome to Roll That Six, I’m Rob and today I’m here to talk through the January 2021 FAQ updates and how they affect Harlequins going forwards into 2021 when, if we wish upon a star 40k events can safely return… Its been a long time hasn’t it!!??

 Looking at the Harlequin FAQ first

Nothing much has changed since the last update, Player of the Twilight previously one of the most popular Warlord Traits has been FAQ’d so it now makes sense and you play as read, you gain the number of command points back as per the cost, no longer limited to one additional per turn. Which is a big boost for command points hungry Harlequins! I’ve had mixed success with this trait, but if you gain a juicy 3cp back then it can be game winning and a warlord trait that's back on my radar going forwards.


Voidweaver Points Drop!!??

Down to 90pts from 100pts, doesn’t really make it much more viable. The much maligned unit choice doesn’t compete with the Starweaver at 80 points, I’d rather have the spare transport capacity to swoop over and pick up a unit of Troupe that may have moved away or had its Starweaver wrecked earlier in the battle. Sure it’s a solid backfield objective holder, but it won’t contribute much due to its relatively short ranged weapons. I tried and it didn’t work, for me at least. 10pts drop doesn’t make it any more viable in my eyes.


GT Rulespack Update

Now we move into the meat of the FAQ that really effect how Harlequins play 9th Edition. The first turn problem has had the goal posts moved a little, no longer a choice, now it’s the “winner” of the dice roll has to go first. No longer a choice, this is both good and bad for Harlequin's most top players are and should be building lists that can go compete at the top going first or second, so this doesn’t really change much. Harlequins are so fast, I found best results when deploying defensively and reacting to the opponent, equally when going first using a few command points to shift up to 4 units as far up the table as possible, we’re really flexible in this regard.

The biggest change is how turn5 now works, no longer does the player going second have little say in how the game ends. With primary points now scored at the end of the game turn rather than the start, the player going second has a lot of ways to get the max 15 points, this also forces the player going first to really consider which objectives they commit too. I’m a big fan of this. Sure, most games usually have a clear winner by this point or primary may have been maxed ot close to maxed already, but in a tight battle this change has the potential to bring some really tense and exciting moments in games, which I’m all for!! 

Twilight Pathways Changed

Indirectly, accidentally, purposefully? Who knows at this point, no longer can two Harlequin units benefit from Prismatic Blur per turn as Twilight Pathways psychic power (move a unit as if it was the movement phase) has now had this move clarified as a “normal move” and Prismatic Blur requires a unit to make an “advance” move to trigger its effect. Previously we would do this once in the movement phase and again in the psychic phase, assuming Twilight Pathways was successfully cast on another unit. This really affects that second Skyweavers and /or second block of Troupe giving two units 3+ invulnerable saves was a great way to increase the durability of Harlequin armies. But alas this is no more.. or... is it? 

There is a slight caveat in the Harlequin FAQ units with Rising Cresendo (fall back, move, shoot and charge) falling back from combat, can that unit still advance if it has Twilight Pathways cast on it, the answer is still yes. I believe that has been oversight by GW as it’s really obscure rules interaction, rules (FAQ) as written, this is a way to get a second Harlequin unit to that blessed 3++, I don’t expect this to remain the case for long.

Embarking out of phase!? 

Twilight Pathways now allows units to embark into transports in the psychic phase, im not really sure how useful this will be, but, its a thing non the less. However Fire and Fade will be super useful for keeping Troupe units alive of they're around a Transport or want to get into a nice position to snipe out a character and fire and fade back into a transport. I see lots of potential for this! 


Secondary Objective Changes

While We Stand We Fight – No longer individual models, now its determined by a units overall cost. A big change that really affects some armies like Marines that had durable but largely support characters behind walls of Bladeguard and other nasty units scoring 15 secondary points without much inconvenience, this is no longer possible. But it really helps armies with durable units that can split unit, Allarus Terminators which can split into upto 10 individual durable Terminators or Dark Angel Terminators which are again super durable and can combat squad if taken in big enough numbers or even Horrors with some reinforcement points this could be an absolute nightmare. Sure Harlequins can chase down these units, but at what cost? As for us, Shadowseers were our best choice, but now its likely to be the large squad or two of Troupe or Skyweavers, which are also the main damage dealers in the army. So this becomes a much riskier secondary choice. I expect this secondary to plummet in popularity, which isn’t the best news for us Harlequin players, I enjoyed sniping out expensive characters with the Fang Troupe Master or a Fusion Troupe squad to take away a While We Stand.

Bring It Down – GW take with one hand and gives with the other, dropping vastly in points scored, the last list I took to a tournament gave up 12 Bring It Down points, that same list will only give up 6 at most! Which is ace! Not only this, I believe we’ll see more vehicles in the game now, unit squadrons are likely to be more popular and for our anti-tank weapons this is going to be a dream! I believe this FAQ change will have a big impact on the game and Harlequins are in prime position to benefit. 

Abhor the Witch - not a secondary Harlequin armies had access to very often with how amazing the Shadowseer is, it got harder to max score. Excellent. 


And that's about it from this round of FAQs and points changes. Harlequins survive to fight another day! I don't see any major changes to the way we will play the game, the biggest hit is a loss of the second Prismatic Blur, but I don't feel its such a big loss that we'll now fall out of the top tier of armies. We gained from Bring it Down, not in terms of secondary points to score, but in unit choices that the enemy may bring to the table.
