Hey everyone and welcome to Roll That Six, im Rob and today im here to talk Harlequin Relics. Specifically my top3 and why. 

Harlequins have a broad range of relics at our disposal with access to codex relics and white dwarf update, Harlequins in my opinion have some of the best relics in the 40k universe so its been hard to cut a long list down to just 3. 

3. Domino Shroud 

Starting at number 3 we have Domino Shroud, can be taken on any of the Harlequin characters, but typically best employed on a Shadowseer or Troupe Master. 

Domino Shroud grants its user a once per battle at the end of any phase a 12" move, note that the bearer cannot charge after making this move, but can Domino Shroud after charging. 

This is a fantastic tech piece to add to the Harlequins extensive tool belt of tricks. Ive used this relic alot and had great success on Shadowseers, but ive seen a few lists use Domino Shroud on Troupe Masters to keep charging units within Choreographer of War range by moving at the end of the charge phase but not engaging the enemy or fighting and then falling back to safety using the 12" move at the end of the fight phase.

My best results with the Domino Shroud have been when used on a Shadowseer, this has been great when using Twilight Pathways to move a unit downfield then Domino Shroud back to safety, using it to get into 3" range to Twilight Pathways said unit or using Domino Shroud move the Shadowseers plethora of auras around so its protecting crucial units. Domino Shroud has lots of tricks, I've used a Shadowseer to screen out a fairly large area of my deployment zone or critical area of the battlefield then at the end of the opponents movement phase Domino shroud to safety. Similarly ive baited opponents to move to shoot or charge the Shadowseer thinking it was vulnerable only to Domino Shroud to safety by moving 12" out of range or line of sight. 

You can also use the Domino Shroud to help with primary and secondary scoring, at the end of the opponents morale phase you can Domino Shroud the character to claim an objective in your command phase or end of the battle scoring, if you're going second.

The box of tricks is almost endless for a once per battle relic I like it a lot! As its once per battle, however critical timing is needed, don't waste it.

2. Shadowstone 

In at number 2 we have the Shadowstone, can only be used on Shadowseers, this extends the range of all the bearers auras and psychic powers by 3". Shadowstone extends the range of vitally important auras like shield from hard or Veil of Illusion, but, that's not all as it effects psychic powers that means Twilight Pathways (move again in the psychic phase for one unit) usual 3" range is now boosted to 6", Smites now have a 21" range or even Webway Dance which is usually a 6" aura of 6+ damage reduction extends to 9" which makes a big difference when you can position the Shadowseer between objectives and multiple units benefit from these amazing buffs. Shadowstone is a massive force multiplier which I've used extensively and rate very highly. 

1. Twilight Fang

In at number 1, we have Twilight Fang, my favourite Harlequin relic, this relic which is used on Troupe Masters replacing its power sword or harlequins blade (harlequins blade every time as its free) giving the Troupe Master some very meaty attacks, strength 5 ap-3 dmg2 and for each battle round increase the attacks by 1, this means by turn5 the Troupe Master is swinging 10 times! 

I found this Troupe Master to be pretty vital to my game plans, I like to support the Twilight Fang with a couple Troupe Master Pivotal Roles the first being Choreographer of War (re roll to wound in combat) and Darkness Bite (2 mortal wounds after the Troupe Master fights). There is a case for Twilight Grasp for wounding on a 2+ against non monster of vehicle targets. But I prefer the 2 mortal wounds for consistent damage. 

By turn3 this Troupe Master can cut its way through Intercessor squads with ease. If you're willing to invest 2 command points you can make the Twilight Fang dmg3 thanks to Murderous Entrance Stratagem which means the Troupe Master can really start to target those meaty units. 

The tricks aren't over yet, I dont like to send this Troupe Master on a one way trip, using the Soaring Spite Masque and taking the Skystrider Warlord trait, this Troupe Master can disembark after a Starweaver has moved (22") and then move and charge, if you don't base the enemy unit or they engage your base by interrupting then piling in or heroic intervene into base contact then for 1 command point the Troupe Master can consolidate 6" towards the nearest transport and if it gets wholy within 3" it can embark into it. This combo of strats and movement has won me many games by clearing objectives so the non objective secured transport can hold the objective with the Troupe Master safely transported, then move and do it again the following turn. Im a massive fan of this! 

Ive typically had best results by using the Twilight Fang Troupe Master as a late game bully, flying around the table using 1cp per turn to move out a transport after its moved thanks to Skystrider, move, charge, fight and consolidate back into a Transport only to do it again the following turn. Clearing objectives, taking down key characters. 

The Twilight Fang, when used right can swing games on its own. So thats why its my number one.

I'd love to hear what your top 3 relics are!!??