Harlequin Questions and List Evolutions

Hey everyone and welcome to Roll That Six, im Rob and here today to answer some questions I've received over the past week or so and share some list evolution thoughts.

As ive got a spare hour or so I thought I'd quickly note down a few of the questions I've been asked since going 5-1 at the Hellstorm GT a week or so ago and tie those into evolving the list going into the bigger events later on this year and into early 2022.

Why no Shadowseer?

Being so Starweaver heavy and after using Shadowseers for years, I've found them fairly redundant in this type of build. Sure being -1 to wound for 2cp is handy as is the -6" to ranged weapons, double move is also nice. But in reality I've found a better use for cp investment to get the above and the psychic powers are woefully unreliable in clutch moments. I also found myself huddling round a Shadowseer to A) stop it being being shot/charged and B) to get into aura/psychic power range, both of which are limiting my own mobility, then having an opponent switch targets to something else trying to play the mission. So I dropped it, played a couple practice games and haven't look back. This also opens up the anti psychic secondaries with recent release of Thousand Sons and Grey Knights codexes meaning they both will be more common in the meta.

Did I miss the Shadowseer? 

No, not at all, sure it would be handy to double move every now and again, but I preferred the freedom of not needing to be in aura range and the points saved for not taking a Shadowseer.

Why the different weapon load outs?

I wanted an answer for most things in the game and splitting weapons meant I had at least one or two units of Troupe for any given problem, while still taking lots of Caress as they're the most well rounded weapon. The game now has a broad range of units and profiles that do well, Kisses, Embraces and Caresses all have their ideal targets so having all options available made sense to me, rightly or wrongly.

Why 9 Troupe squads and 7 Transports?

Points, basically, I didnt want to drop to 8 Troupe and 8 Transports, im okay with 9/7 split. I found i wanted to ROD with 2 units in my deployment zone early game, most games and these were perfect for it. I would like an 8th Starweaver, but need to play with points first. (See below) 

Why only 4 Skyweavers and why 2x2? 

Skyweaver bikes have always been a love hate relationship for me, I think they're ace, until I roll bad with number of shots.. or because they're str4 and no re rolls to hit, I find the damage output isn't reliable enough, I'd much rather have a Troupe squad with fusion and combat weapons over Skyweavers, but having said that, small units are amazing skirmish units, can move 22" and charge, Haywire shots when you roll over average can still be nasty and they're great at playing the Primary and Secondary missions. 2x2 Skyweavers for 220pts I like what they bring to the table for skirmishing on flanks and scoring me secondaries.

Was the extra patrol detachedment worth it?

100% yes. The extra units helped massively, I was initially running a single battlion with lots of bikes and troupes in transports, the typical list you're likely to see, then I tried and no transport frozen stars list that had a patrol and battalion which I enjoyed, then switched to the Battalion-Patrol list that went 5-1. Its felt like the best list I've run in a long time and I'm very happy to have added the patrol detachment by dropping Skyweavers and investing 2cp. 

How good was the Skystrider Troupe Master? 

So good! It almost felt like cheating at times, jumping out after the Starweaver moves, to hit in combat and get back into a Starweaver for 1cp was so good!! Every Harlequin warlord should be a Skystrider Troupe Master and I felt this was the best loadout, Fang, Fusion, Choreographer of War and Darkness Bite. So good for a bargain 70pts! 

What changes would you consider making?

Well, im certainly looking to make the squads with 4 fusions take a 5th just for ease more than anything else, the amount of time I had to spend checking if the squad had 4 or 5 fusions was silly and give a 7th squad fusions as well so the mounted units all have Fusion. Im initially considering dropping the Death Jester, but im not 100% sure, I believe i can play it better and im the same with Domino Shroud, but again I feel I can play it better. So we'll see. I have an practice club RTT this weekend and I'll be trialing this list:

Harlequin list v2: 

Battalion and Patrol: Soaring Spite 

Troupe Master: Twilight Fang, Fusion Pistol, Choreographer of War, Darkness Bite, Warlord: Skystrider 

Troupe Master: Power Sword, Fusion Pistol, Choreographer of War

Troupe Master: Kiss, Fusion Pistol, Choreographer of War 

5 Players: 5 Fusion Pistols, 3 Kiss 
5 Players: 5 Fusion Pistols, 4 Kiss
5 Players: 5 Fusion Pistols, 3 Caress 
5 Players: 5 Fusion Pistols, 3 Caress 
5 Players: 5 Fusion Pistols, 3 Caress 
5 Players: 5 Fusion Pistols, 3 Caress 
5 Players: 5 Fusion Pistols, 3 Caress 
5 Players: 3 Embraces 
5 Players: 3 Embraces 

Death Jester: Humbling Cruelty 

2x Skyweavers: Haywire Cannons, Zephyrglaives
2x Skyweavers: Haywire Cannons, Zephyrglaives 

7x Starweavers 

2000pts and start with 9cp 

7 squads of Troupe with 5 Fusions and 3 combat weapons in Starweavers and 2 squads on foot with Embraces so they're not exactly push overs when doing actions. I hope to continue the success of the Hellstorm GT going into a small practice event this weekend! 


If you have any more questions ask me on Twitter