Harlequins Stats July 2021

Hey everyone and welcome to Roll That Six, im Rob and here today to talk about Harlequins, what's top of the 40k Meta and stats! 

Jumping right into it, ive taken a couple screen shots from 40k stats who do the lords work when it comes to presenting data from grand tournaments around the globe, so please check them out if this stuff interests you! https://www.40kstats.com/

Know the meta! 

First up when list building I like to take a general look at what the top factions are in general terms, im sure many people have different ways to decide whats top of the meta, I like to check out the 40k Stats website so let's take a look at the table below and i will share my thoughts. I narrow this data down to the past 4 weeks so its as relevant as possible with a decent data size.

As you can see there is a lot of data in this one table, I personally like to look at what's popular, what's winning and what's doing well so TiWP data is perfect for me. 

Whats TWiP you might ask?? Well the Falcon answers in a brilliant summary tweet: 

Harlequins for example, have had 1 undefeated player in the past 4 weeks, an average first loss at round 2.67, a TiWP of 4.95% and make up around 2.2% of the tournament meta. 

This shows me that Harlequins are not a common army at 2.2% but do well with an average first loss of round 2.67 only second to Ad Mech, with a TWiP of 4.95% equal to Adepta Sororitas in 4th place behind Ad Mech which are way ahead of Drukhari and Death Gaurd. This shows there are some factions that once we, Harlequins, get further into the tournament do really well against us and constantly beat us. You can find out who, again on  40k Stats or below as ive taken a screenshot haha. Harlequins have a glass ceiling we need to break through to win events on a more consistent basis. To do this lets take a look at which factions have been us Harlequins have been playing and how its gone! 

Here we have the faction vs faction table, narrowed down to the past 4 weeks and Harlequins

Lots of data to taken in again, at first glance Harlequins have a winning record into Ad Mech, Adepta Sororitas and Death Guard. While having a losing record into Drukhari, and horrifc losing records against Dark Angels, and Custodes. Into the rest of the game Harlequins have a winning record. Interesting to say the least. 

Going back to the TiWP screenshot above lets look the most common factions and undefeated records in the game over the past 4 weeks. 

1. Drukhari 9.41% of meta and 2 undefeated 
2. Ad Mech 8.89% of meta and 12 undefeated 
3. Necrons 8.16% of meta and 0 undefeated 
4. Death Guard 8.16% of meta and 2 undefeated 
5. Adepta Sororitas 6.49% of meta and 1 undefeated 
6. Custodes 5.23% of meta and 0 undefeated 
7. Dark Angels 5.02% of meta and 2 undefeated 


We can start to see a pattern here and its backing up my initial gut feeling and statement above, Harlequins have a good/great record into most factions in the game, but some of the most common and best performing factions have a winning record or at least a very close record into Harlequins. This shows with a very impressive 2.67 first round loss average with only 1 tournament undefeated, once Harlequins reach the top tables which are dominated by Adepta Sororitas, Death Guard, Ad Mech, Drukhari and Dark Angels. Harlequins are losing on a constant basis to most these factions (good record vs Death Guard) with only one player making it all the way to tournament undefeated.

Making those final steps 

Harlequins have a limited number of units so I believe the answer is leaning into Aeldari allies. As much as ive tried Harlequins just arnt consistent enough and the data is backing this up. Drukhari and Craftworlds have some great units that match well with Harlequins who pack a punch in combat and fusion pistols for shooting, with amazing mobility and stratagems that can swing a game in a moment.

Allies can bring cheap, efficient shooting and bodies which is what Harlequins lack as a mono faction. All of the Aledari factions are lot losing much as Imperial armies by mixing in different codexes. 

I'm currently feverishly working on a Harlequin/Craftworlds build leaning into Craftworlds brutal fire power and Harlequins rapid movement and Stratagems. More on that to come.

Thanks again to everyone at 40k Stats 100% check them out! 
